A candle is placed in a glass container made of opaque material with a picture of the Kuan Yin Goddess.Those who put it hope that they will soon be given offspring.In Chinese mythology, the goddess whose name means Lady Buddha is a symbol of fertility and compassion.He granted the request of those who want to have children.When the embodiment of the goddess is placed in the room, she will free the environment from bad influences such as sickness, strife, and chaos.He is the protector of women and children.The statue of Kannon—its name in Japan—is often present holding a rice seed, a symbol of land fertility.Not just maintaining the myth to get a baby.Chinese people have been using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for thousands of years to treat fertility problems.History records the involvement of the combination of herbal therapy and acupuncture since the reign of the Han Dynasty in 206 BC.According to TCM terminology, disease arises due to an imbalance of qi.Qi or chi is defined as the life energy in the body.In cases of infertility, kidney chi deficiency and chi stagnation in the liver are the culprits.Strong kidney chi increases the sperm count in men, prevents miscarriage in women, and makes babies born healthy.As a result of stagnation of chi liver in women, menstrual cycles are irregular and blood flow to the pelvic area is blocked.Blood flow to the uterus is disrupted making it difficult to maintain the presence of the fetus.Modern lifestyle, use of drugs, excessive consumption of coffee, and alcoholic beverages as well as stress cause an imbalance of life energy.Acupuncture enhances the ability to heal oneself by balancing and regulating the flow of qi.The therapy improves the menstrual cycle, increases blood flow to the uterus, and stimulates ovulation.In men, sperm quality increases.Acupuncture works more effectively when combined with herbs.Prof. DR HM Yusuf, herbalist in Sukabumi, gave an example.To improve kidney chi in women given a concoction consisting of 160 g sudihuang (radix rehmanniae), 80 g sanzhuyu (fructus corni), 80 g shanyao (rhizoma dioscoreae), 60 g mudanpi (cortex moutan), 60 g zexie (rhizoma alismatis), and 60 g of fuling (poria).All spices are dried in the sun and finely ground.Two small spoons of powder brewed with boiling water as much as 200 cc.Add a tablespoon of honey.After dissolving, drink warm 2-3 times a day after meals.Roger C Hirsh, OMD, LAc, BAc, doctor of oriental medicine, in acupunctur.com, said that proper diet and physical exercise such as Qigong are also factors that support success.For example, eating a salad—considered a cold-air meal—is not the best diet for cold-tempered women.To warm it, it is recommended to consume mutton-hot air.It can strengthen a “cold” or sterile uterus.To remember, therapy with TCM requires consistency and takes a long time.Just an example with herbs it takes 70 days to produce new sperm.Or 4 months of therapy to increase sperm count and activity.More importantly, done under the supervision of a herbalist or naturopathic.In western countries, TCM is accepted as a complementary medical treatment.An April 2002 National Library of Medicine report on a study in Germany showed the combination increased success rates.However, according to Dr Evelyn Feng of Champion Medical Service in Manhattan, not all women who have difficulty conceiving are suitable for acupuncture therapy."Only those who have functional, not structural problems can be treated with acupuncture," he said as quoted from preconception.com.For example, damage to the fallopian tubes is a structural problem, while a malfunctioning ovary is a functional problem.However, practitioners agree, the presence of TCM gives hope for those who fail to present their baby in western medicine.(Evy Syariefa)The problem of not having children is often heard in everyday life.The number is estimated at 15% of the total couples of childbearing age and there is a tendency to increase.That is the phenomenon that is happening today.Anxiety engulfs them when the baby doesn't come, especially when the age of marriage is 5 years.Pregnant, the word is really very valuable for a husband and wife.That is the beginning of a life process.Children become heirs.Unfortunately, not all smooth couples get children.Many factors hinder the presence of the baby.Medical data shows the percentage of fertilization failure in men and women is the same, 50: 50. Psychological factors of husband and wife greatly affect the success of fertilization.That is why communication and caring are needed to get to know your partner.Avoid accusing each other and spilling the blame on one party.In fact, the cause was in itself.The bad environment is full of pollutants and the problems of life interfere with the reproductive organs.Women who are often stressed and easily provoked by emotions actually inhibit the entry of sperm into the uterus.Likewise, husbands who work in factories have difficulty in obtaining children.Machine vibrations and high temperatures, above 32oC can kill sperm cells.X-rays that hit the testicles can also paralyze sperm.In fact, pants that are too tight and made of nylon inhibit air circulation so that the testicles do not work optimally.The impact is decreased sperm quality.Most patients who come to the clinic say the number of sperm that comes out quite a lot.In such cases what needs to be done is a laboratory examination.Minimum sperm cell count of 20-million/ml.Below that the chance of fertilization is small.The condition of the sperm must be healthy, agile, and move quickly in order to penetrate the egg cell wall.If the path is circling around the uterus, of course there will be no fertilization.Therefore the shape of sperm cells must be normal.The head of the sperm is protected by the acrosomal membrane which breaks when attached to the egg.At the same time, a kind of enzyme is released that can help open the egg.Sperm quality is actually very dependent on the health of the male reproductive organs.Infections due to gonorrhea attacks can reduce sperm quality.This happens because of slovenly sexual behavior or changing partners.The disease caused by the gonococcal bacteria first attacks the urinary tract, marked by the discharge of gonorrhea.If not treated seriously, the infection will quickly spread and cause inflammation of the prostate gland and epidymis.In severe conditions, infertility can occur.In women, cases of fertilization failure are more complex.This relates to the female organs, such as the egg sac, uterus, and vagina.They should work normally.If not, the chances of meeting the sperm and egg are small.The vagina is the entrance for sperm.It must be kept clean, including pH.Too acidic, pH below 6, kills sperm cells.Vaginal discharge can cause an acidic vagina which is characterized by an unpleasant odor.The disease caused by the fungus Candida albicans is characterized by the appearance of white fluid.If the cause is Trichomonas vaginalis—a type of protozoan, there is a foul odor.Cases of gonorrhea in women generally have mild symptoms, sometimes even without causing complaints.This is because women are carriers of gonorrhea—the cause of gonorrhea and a source of infection.If not treated immediately will spread and clog the cervix and fallopian tubes (salvingitis).This disease can lead to infertility.Another reason, the egg bag does not produce eggs optimally.You see, many women are stressed because of work, exams, or facing life problems.This has an impact on irregular menstruation.Sometimes there is still dirty blood left and attached to the egg bag.If not treated immediately, endomitrosis tumors appear.The egg sac can also stick to the uterus for reproductive reasons.The number of such cases is small and the only way of healing is surgery.If the cause of pregnancy is just stress, it's easy.At best given antistress drugs, vitamins, and fertilizer content.The painstaking intake of antibiotics can also cure gonorrhea.However, it must be accompanied by good sexual behavior.Otherwise, they become resistant to chemical drugs making it difficult to treat further.Finally, children are increasingly difficult to obtain.Concoction of some medicinal plants can also be an alternative to help fertility.This method is legal to use as long as the content is known.Because, every plant has its own properties.The concocting technique must also be accurate.Giving is not arbitrary, each case is different for medicinal plants.Consuming vegetables and fruit helps fertility.Parents used to always recommend eating lots of bean sprouts when they saw that their children had not yet been blessed with children.This makes sense because vegetables contain lots of vitamin E. (Dr H Soegiharto Soebijanto, SpOG, Kferr, consultant on infertility, IVF, and reproductive endocrinologist)